The Times of India

Telugu News

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Reasons Why Women Cheat

Instances of women cheating on their partners may not be heard too often, but that does not mean it doesn’t happen. What causes women, who are traditionally thought to be a rather emotive species, to cheat is something we try to decode here.

Title #20

1. The thrill

Some women cheat for the thrill of it. The excitement of doing things behind a partner’s back, the risk, the adrenaline rush, the desire are all very potent reasons for a woman to cheat. The cheating bit isn’t always emotional, it is in fact an out and out physical act that is engaged in for the thrill of it.

Love is Nothing but Lust Misspelt

altLove and Lust are two words that have woven their way around mankind for a long time. Depending on what your take on both these words is, the premium you place on their existence in a relationship or just a regular session of leaching varies.
 There are some scientists who have spent years, some of them devoting their entire lives to find out if love and lust is indeed the same thing, viewed and experienced differently, just like marriage.
Let’s begin by outlining what love really is. I mean at which point is it fair to say that you love someone who isn’t related to you? How does the whole process happen? Look at how we describe this feeling. “Dude, I think I’m falling in love”. First of all, why are you falling? Did you trip on something? Were you distracted or looking elsewhere? Of course you were. But wait, isn’t that the other “L” word? And if the beginning of this feeling is characterized by the process of falling, then what are you falling into? Most people say it is a trap, the rest, are divorced. Nobody knows when love happens. It just happens.

5 Things You Should Not Tell Her on Your First Date

5 Things You Should Not Tell Her on Your First Date

In a nutshell? Don't talk to her about the things you are proudest of, or the things you are most embarrassed about, 

and don't ever say things that she wouldn't want to hear. Yes, I know they say that it is important to foster a sense of trust, and all that jazz, but the rule of thumb is not to mention anything that you know she'd be reluctant to talk about.

You don't believe me? Well, here's the long list, then, of what not to say on a first date:

1. Past relationships

Yes, this is so simple that it doesn't even merit a separate entry on this list, but bear with me, because I've seen earnest souls who think that 'telling all' is the best resort to captivate the girl of your dreams. Give us all a break. It's just the first date; how do you know whether there will ever be a second? Keep the conversation light and easy. The first impression she has of you should be that you're easy-going, not a nervous wreck or a prying nosey-poker.

5 Things You Should Not Tell Her on Your First Date

2. Your accomplishments

…unless she asks specific questions, and then also, say as little as possible. By all means, mention the position you hold at work, but this should not be said in a tone that reeks of self advertisement. Again, there's plenty of time for her to get to know about you. Why bore her with the details now? Instead, why not let testimonials from past employers, which are proudly displayed on your LinkedIn profile, speak for you, instead of you bragging about all the things you did?

3. Your definition of love

The modern woman does not believe that old-fashioned love still exists. Even girls from traditional families have been corrupted by the saas-bahu serials. So whether you believe in a supercalifragilistic sort of romance, or whether it was your baser masculine instincts that prompted you to meet her, keep your ideas about what constitutes love to yourself. Too sweet and she won't believe you're for real; too practical and she will call you unfeeling. You're better off trying to understand what exactly she thinks about love and romance.

4. Your past hurts, or your failures as an employee/ son/ friend

Okay, nobody's perfect, and being confronted with a face you consider perfection personified might prompt you to win her affection by pouring out your heart to her. Bad idea: the woman might feel sympathy for you, but sympathy is not compatible with affection. If you can't deal with the things you don't like about yourself, how can you expect much respect from her?

5 Things You Should Not Tell Her on Your First Date

5. Your expectations

Or what you want out of the relationship. Or how you'd like her to behave. Instead, think of a first date as a way to get her to talk about herself. This way, instead of trying to bring her around to your way of thinking, you might be able to gauge how compatible you and she are by letting her hold court and by encouraging her to tell you what's important to her.

This doesn't imply that you should allow her to dominate the conversation. But it's no secret that women are easily attracted by shy guys Combine this with an old-fashioned sense of chivalry and a sense of humour and you can't go wrong! And when in doubt about what to say, remember: don't ever say things that she wouldn't want to hear!