Exit and opinion polls carried out by various TV channels suggest that in Gujarat BJP to perform a hat-trick in the state while Congress is predicted to have an edge in BJP-ruled Himachal Pradesh.
Cvoter exit poll survey predics a landslide victory for the BJP, saying that it will get a 46 percent voteshare and getting 119 - 124 seats. It also suggest that the Congress could win 54 seats with a 38 percent voteshare.
Cvoter poll survey which took responses from 3,276 voters after polling on 4 November, shows both BJP and Congress are palced neck to neck with 44 percent of the popular vote each – a gain of 5 percent for the Congress from 39 percent in 2007, but a static figure for the BJP.
News 24 showed that BJP is likely to get 140 against 117 seats it had won in 2007 assembly polls as the party is expected to get 46 per cent of the total vote share. The poll carried out by Chanakya for the channel projected Congress to get 40 seats, 19 short of 59 it won in 2007 polls.
Headlines Today projected BJP to get between 118 and 128 seats while Congress is likely to win in 50 to 56 seats with 37 per cent vote share.
The ABP News predicted BJP to win in 116 seats and Congress in 60 constituencies. According to ABP - AC Nielsen exit poll predictions, BJP’s has edge in South Gujarat and Congress has an edge in Central Gujarat. The survey prdicts in South Gujarat: BJP (27), Congress (6), GPP (01) and Others (01). Central Gujarat: Congress (22), BJP (15) and Others (03). It has also predicted a massive victory for the BJP in the Saurashtra-Kutch region. According to the exit poll, BJP will win 42 seats, the Congress will win 11, and the GPP will win only one seat in the region.
According to latest ABP-Nielsen survey following are the stats
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